Welcome to Sound vs Systems
Here you'll find all sorts of devices, ideas and contraptions aimed at effecting radical social change. When words alone fail, get your tech on.
We are a collective who believe technologies (both recycled and reinterprited) should be available to all irrespective of means or ability's.
Its what all the kids want this summer, and what the kids want the kids get, with the launch of S.V.S's latest creation the infamous Socially Transmitted Disorder. Boosting over a 1000w of power and built like a war torn tank its certainly not to be ignored.
Check out the technique breakdown and building guide here.
Not wasting any time STD is now off for a two week holiday, travailing around the U.K. Joining 'One Million Climate Jobs' on there two week caravan, a 2000 mile campaign tour visiting 20 city's across the country. With a serious line up of meetings, debates and party's. Addressing issues of the green economy and catastrophic climate change.
Check out their website for info and the line up of events.
Wandsworth prison demo
''Around 50 people demanded justice for unfairly-convicted London rioters assembled at Wandsworth prison on a wet Sunday afternoon. The activists were told stories of people whose liberty was cut short by long and unfair judgements for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The crowd chanted support for those imprisoned by the bankers and the rest of the ruling 1%.''
--taken from indymedia london
we where there showing our support and getting wet...
Hackney roof top defiance
''Anti eviction at work, squats saved by the people. Early friday morning, police and bailiffs turned up to evict a row of squatted houses in Dalston lane, but luckily the anti eviction squad was out, in numbers this time with over 60 people blocking the road and lining the rooftop. ''
--taken from indymedia london
we where there showing our support and playing some light dub to lighten the mood.